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Ụlọikpe ụkwụ nọ n’Abuja enyela iwu ka anwụchie Nnamdi Kanu

Otu ụlọikpe ụkwụ nọ n’Abuja enyela iwu ka anwụchie Maazị Nnamdi Kanu bụ onye bụ onyeisi òtù Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

Ọ bụ n’ụbọchị Tọzdee ka ọkaikpe Binta Nyako nyere iwu a, ma kwuo na Maazi Nnamdi Kanu anaghị abịa ụlọikpe.

Ụlọikpe gbanwezịrị akaebe ha nara ya n’afọ 2017 ma kwuo na ikpe ya ga aga n’ihu ọ bụladị dịka ọ gbarala ọsọ.

A na-ekpe Kanu ikpe n’ihi na ọ chọrọ nkewapụ site n’ala anyị bụ Naịjịrịa. Mana ụlọikpe nara ya n’akaebe n’ọnwa anọ nke afọ 2017 n’ihi ahụ mgbụ.

Mana onye ndụ̀ ndị IPOB gbara ọsọ mgbe ndị agha ala anyị wakporo ụlọ ya, bụkwa nke e mechara hụ ya na mba Israel.

N’ọnwa Ọktoba n’afọ gara aga, ọ si na ya gbara ọsọ n’ụlọikpe iji hụ na Biafra nweere onwe ya.



A federal high court in Abuja has ordered the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

At its sitting on Thursday, Binta Nyako, justice of the court, issued an arrest warrant against Kanu, citing the continued absence of the IPOB leader in court.

The court also revoked the bail which it granted the IPOB leader in 2017, and directed the proceeding will still continue even in his absence.
Kanu, who is facing trial for alleged treason, was granted bail in April 2017 for health reasons.

The IPOB leader subsequently went into hiding during a military operation in the south-east where he is from, only to reappear after one year in Israel.

In October last year, he said he jumped his bail to pursue the cause of Biafra.