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Chuks Abaja bụ otu onye soja ala anyị gbanarịrị agha ahụ ndị òtù Boko Haram busoro ha bụkwa nke bụtere ọnwụ ọtụtụ ndị soja n’okpuru ọchịchị Guzamala nke di na steeti Borno ekwuola na ọtụtụ ozu ka dị n’ime ọhịa.

Onye soja a kwuru nke a n’igwe nririta ozi ọlọrọ ọhụrụ ya bụ Facebook. O kwụrụ ka agha a ndị Boko Haram busoro ha jịrị mee ka ha gbaa ọsọ ma zere ndụ ha.

Ọ gara n’ihu kwuo n’ọtụtụ ozu ka nọ n’ime ọhịa bụkwa nke a na-ebuputabeghị n’ihe nsogbu ndị Boko Haram ọ bụla mgbe ha busochara ha agha.



A Nigerian soldier who survived the Boko Haram attack which left over 100 troops dead and many others injured in Metele, Guzamala Local Government Area of Borno on Sunday, November 18th, has narrated what happened.

The soldier identified as Chuks Abaga took to social media to reveal how the superior fire from the Boko Haram insurgents left them demoralised and forced them to retreat.

He also said that many corpses are still in the bush and are yet to be recovered due to the rescue mission being thwarted by the Boko Haram insurgents even after the attack.