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Otu onye ndú Igbo ama ama bụ Ichie Dozie Ikedife anwụọla. Ọ nwụrụ na mgbede Tụzdee ka ọ gbara afọ ịrị asatọ na asatọ.

Ichie Ikedife jibụrụ ọkwa dịka Ikuku Ebu Nkpu bụkwa nke obodo ịrị na anọ nọ n’okpuru ọchịchị Nnewi na Ekwusigo chiri ya. O jikwara ọkwa dịka Ikenga Nnewi na Odezuligbo Umueje.

Ikedife bụ dọkinta n’ahụ maka ụmụ nwaanyị di ime nakwa onye nchọcha ama ama.



Prominent Igbo leader, Chief Dozie Ikedife is Dead. He passed on Tuesday evening at the Age of 88.

Dr Ikedife, held the traditional title of Ikuku Ebu Nkpu which was awarded to him by 14 communities in Nnewi North, Nnewi South, Ekwusigo local government areas of Anambra State.

He was also a holder of an honorary chieftaincy title of Ikenga Nnewi and Odezuligbo Umueje. Ikedife was an obstetrician, gynaecologist and researcher of repute.