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Aubameyang nwere ike ichịsa ọwa n’ịgbara Gabon Bọọlụ

Nwaamadị mba Gabon na-agbara Arsenal bọọlụ bụ Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang ekwuola na ya nwere ike ịchịsa ọwa n’ihe banyere ịgbara obodo ya bụ Gabon bọọlụ.

Gabon agaghị aga maka iko mba Afrịka nke afọ a n’ihi na ha gbara ndị nke atọ n’òtù ha.

Ma ụgbụ a, onye mịnịsta na-ahụ maka egwuregwu n’obodo ahụ bụ Alan Bilie ekwuola na ha agbasala òtù ewgu bọọlụ mba Gabon bụkwa nke ha ga-ebido n’isi wulite.

N’oge gara aga ka eboro Aubameyang ebubo na uche ya adịghị n’ịgbara obodo ya bọọlụ. N’ọnwa gara aga, Aubameyang kwụrụ sị “A na m eche echiche nke ụkwụụ maka ịkwụsị ịgbara obodo m bọọlụ”.



Arsenal striker, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, could be forced into international retirement, having previously threatened to quit the Gabon national team.

Gabon failed to qualify for the Africa Cup of Nations, following their 1-1 draw with Burundi last week, which saw them finish third in their group.

And now the country’s Minister for Sport Alan Bilie has “dissolved” the team, saying it will be rebuilt from the bottom up.

Arsenal ace Aubameyang has previously faced accusations of not being committed to the Gabon team, and only last month said: “I am thinking hard about retiring from international football.”