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Onye Ikpo Ikuku Agbara Ndi EFCC Izu

Onye Ikpo Ikuku Agbara Ndi EFCC Izu

Dika akuko, Musa a juru go mbu naira nari nde na iri abuo na ise(N325m) nke goomenti yere ya na esi onwu na oru nke pasent ise mbu ya bu asato na nde iri isii(N860m).

Onye ntucha, Abdulmunmini Musa, onye kọrọ nyere ihe ọmụma na-eduga na ọdịdọ nke $ 43m, N23.2m na £ 27,800 (N13bn) na ulo na Ikoyi, Lagos, a gbara ndi Economic, Financial and crime Commission (EFCC) izu .

Ọzọkwa sonyeere na uwe gbara akwụkwọ na Federal High Court, Abuja, bụ Federal Ministry of Finance, na Attorney General nke Federation na Minister nke Justice, Mr. nyefee Malami (SAN).


Dika akuko, Musa a juru go mbu naira nari nde na iri abuo na ise(N325m) nke goomenti yere ya na esi onwu na oru nke pasent ise mbu ya bu asato na nde iri isii(N860m)


Iwu na ikpo ikuku

Federal Goomenti kwere nkwa ịkwụ onye ọ bụla ga enye ihe ọmụma nke ga-eduga na mgbake nke karịrị otu ijeri naira ga enweta pasent ise.

Di ka  Prof. Bolaji Owasanoye,onye bu odeakwukwo na Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption, onye bu akuku nke otu debatara aha iwu

 “If you blow the whistle and the government recovers cash, you are entitled to between 2.5 per cent and five per cent. The maximum limit is five per cent.

“According to the policy, if you blow the whistle and it is below N500m, you get four to five per cent because the higher the amount that is recovered, the lower the percentage that is given. This is the global best practice.

“If the recovery is between N500m and N1bn, you get three to four per cent (commission). If it is N1bn and above, it is 2.5 per cent. Indeed, there is a clause that we included in the policy to say that the government may determine the amount to be awarded based on other criteria provided that the amount to be awarded doesn’t exceed five per cent. In other words, the government may actually pay less than 2.5 per cent but nobody can be paid more than five per cent.”

Onye igbu ikuku na acho:

 “A declaration that the plaintiff, the 4th, 5th and 6th defendants actively participated and are instrumental to the whistle-blowing or disclosure of information disclosed to the 1st defendant staff or officers which resulted to the 1st defendant’s.