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Otu nwa akwụkwọ nke mahadum Ilorin egbuola onwe ya n’ihi na a gwara ya ka odegharịa ihe nchọcha omere.

Adigun Olawale Emmanuel bụ onye gbara afọ ịrị abụọ na asaa kwụrụ ụdọ n’Oke Odo nke dị na Ilorin na steeti Kwara. O mere nke a n’ihi na-agwara ya ka odegharịa nchọcha nke ọ na-eme n’afọ nke ikpeazụ ya bụkwa nke ọ darala ugboro abụọ.

Adigun bụ nwa akwụkwọ n’agụ maka ọrụ ụbị. Ọ ṅụrụ otu ọgwụ e ji egbu ahụhụ aha ya bụ Sniper.

Ndị nlekọta mahadum ahụ agaala hụ ebe a nwa akwụkwọ a nọrọ gbuo onwe ya, ha agwakwala ndị nne na nna ya.



A student of the University of Ilorin, UNILORIN, has allegedly committed suicide after he was asked to carry over his project again.

Adigun Olawale Emmanuel, 27, reportedly committed suicide at Oke Odo Area of Ilorin, Kwara State after he was made to repeat his final year project again after he failed it for the second time.

Adigun was a student of faculty of Agriculture. He drank a pesticide called Sniper which killed him.

The Management of University of Ilorin has visited the hostel in Oko Oba where the student committed suicide and they have also contacted Adigun’s Parents.